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Why are we so passionate about bees?

While to most people they are fuzzy flying insects seen darting between flowers, bees are actually so much more than this, and have a hugely important part to play in maintaining our precious planet. Bees are vital to both pollinate the food we need to survive and pollinate many of the trees and flowers that provide habitats for wildlife. Globally there are more honey bees than other types of bee and pollinating insects, so it is the world’s most important pollinator of food crops. It is estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees.

Unfortunately, honeybees, along with other pollinators population numbers are in decline. The top threats to UK honeybees are habitat loss, pesticides, pests and diseases, extreme weather and climate change and competition from invasive species. If we all do our bit to help our local honeybees we can make a big difference in their chances of survival and help our local environment flourish.

At The Cardona & Son Spirit Co. we are passionate about the survival of the British Honeybee and are dedicated to creating and sustaining thriving habitats to ensure their survival – Our mission is to create delicious spirits using our own raw honey, locally sourced ingredients and a whole lot of love. The more cocktails you sip, the more beehives we’ll build and the healthier our local population of honeybees will become. A truly sustainable way to ensure the future of our own British Honeybee (and who doesn’t love cocktails?) A percentage of our profits will also be used to fund a variety of local biodiversity projects. Help us to save the British Honeybee, one cocktail at a time!

Andre & Jane Cardona

Top Tips



Help reinforce sustainable and environmentally friendly beekeeping practices by supporting your local beekeepers. By buying honey locally you are not only supporting your local environment, you are helping increase the numbers of local hives and the overall local honeybee population. The honey also tastes so much better! Don’t limit yourself to honey, look out for candles, furniture wax, beauty products (and spirits!) made using beeswax and honey from your local hives.


For bees, a supply of water is as important as pollen and nectar forage in the Summer. They work tirelessly foraging and can become dehydrated easily if they cannot find a source of water. You can help by setting up a clean, safe place for them to stop and have a drink. It can be as simple as a shallow bowl filled daily with fresh water with stones or twigs for the bees to land on safely.


No one wants pests on their plants, but many pesticides can be lethal to bees. Cut out chemical treatments for your plants and NEVER spray open flowers. There are various natural treatments you can try to keep pests away from your garden such as companion planting and use of deterrents and barriers. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has some great tips on natural remedies to rid your garden of pests www.rspb.org.uk


Help bees and pollinators by growing a variety of flowers and shrubs that are full of nectar and pollen, to give them a rich feeding ground throughout the year. A garden full of plants that are rich in pollen and nectar will help your local bees thrive. Even potted plants on a balcony helps! The Royal Horticultural Society have created downloadable PDF lists of year-round flowering plants here www.rhs.org.uk


Some councils in the UK have stopped cutting sections of grass on their verges to encourage wildflowers to grow! You can do this too by cutting your lawn less often and encouraging lawn ‘weeds’ to flower, creating more opportunities for honeybees to forage in your garden.

For every product purchased Cardona & Son invest in Biodiversity projects.

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